The Western Australian Family Bushwalking Club Inc
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About Us
Why Join Us?
Are you looking to get outdoors and into nature more with your family? Do you wish to explore new places, walking trails, try new activities, go camping, or take small steps toward exploring more of Western Australia? Perhaps you are just struggling to inspire your kids to appreciate nature and the outdoors and are looking for your village to help you in this. You have come to the right club!
We are a genuinely friendly and welcoming group of families, with no group bias’, judgements or expectations (family structures, fitness or otherwise). Our club members are non-clique, everyday families from all walks of life and we represent and welcome different families with children of all ages from birth to 18.
As a club, we regularly get together for bushwalks and other outdoor activities. Sometimes our club activities are more intimate with just a few families in attendance or at times bigger- we understand how busy family life can be! However, at our core, our members all share the same desire of getting our families into nature more and making opportunities to appreciate spending time together.
Our Activities
The activities of WAFBC club are organised by our own members, overseen by a dedicated volunteer committee who coordinate behind the scenes. All our events have a casual feel but are reliable and organised.
We love for our members to share ideas and even host, whether it is simply to lead others on their favourite bushwalk, bike trail, plan a snorkelling meetup or even a frog hunt! However- please know that there is no pressure to organise an event and your family can participate as much, or as little as you like. Club members can also enjoy regular camping trips together, full of additional informal activities like fishing and socialising.
Bushwalking may be a tough sell, in our family
Yes we know. However, children are surprisingly resilient and they can walk when they are exploring environments that interest them and are motivated. However, we often find that our kids motivate each other in our walks, placing pressure on the parents to keep up!
Another superpower of our group is that we find our children behave better and step outside their comfort zone more. Families genuinely look forward to seeing other regular faces on these walks and to learn new things. Finally, members look after each other, often sharing advice and tips and making everything feel more possible.
With Western Australia as our playground, our club regularly schedules camping trips together. However, as a family club, we choose our campsites carefully and this makes our members’ lives easier. This is because our campsites are often secluded and accessible only to groups like ours, providing reassurance that our children can run around and be more carefree to be themselves. We also prioritise camping venues that have flushing toilets and shower facilities- so at the end of the day, our kids can hop into bed clean- regardless of what they have done. On a personal note, my wife used to dislike camping, but to my astonishment has been converted to a camp lover after joining this club and our camping trips.
Getting started
If you are feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start, we understand and may be able to help. We understand that everyone has to start somewhere and believe the best way to learn is to get involved and walk alongside others. We also have an equipment list page on this website and we do schedule informal camping and hiking online webinars for our members. On our camps, we also occasionally run bushcraft seminars and remember- all our members are open to helping where we can!
We are properly governed
The West Australian Family Bushwalking Club is incorporated in the State of Western Australia and the Club is governed by the Rules stipulated by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (Including Consumer Protection) of the WA Government. We have volunteers that form the committee responsible for the administration of the Club. We are also affiliated with HikeWest, the peak body for bushwalking in WA.